We have now launched a short pilot survey that will help us improve our SCORE indicators to assess and understand economic resilience. This pilot was developed based on multiple consultations and focus groups conducted within the scope of our Liberia project with the support of the Embassy of Ireland in partnership with the Liberia Peace-Building Office. The survey is open to anyone, in Liberia and beyond. You can access it by clicking here.
YOUR ANSWERS will HELP US fine tune new indicators, and enhance economic security and inclusive economic growth programmes and policies globally.
It will only take only 15 mins of your time. If you have any feedback regarding the pilot, please do not hesitate to contact our Learning Officer Meltem Ikinci or myself via email (ikinci@seedsofpeace.eu / dagli@seedsofpeace.eu).
Many thanks for your time & support.
Best wishes,
Ilke Dagli-Hustings
Head of Programmes & Field Operations